  Send a mail to one or more registered users.  
  Mail to: If you have any problems or questions you can mail Admin. You can also email other members. This is "local mail only" it is not a general, public mail service.

Subject: A brief description of what you are writing about.

Action: Check here for sent-mail confirmation.

Writing window: Click here and begin composing your letter.

Send & Quit: If you have finished the letter and DO NOT want to write another. You are returned to the 'Manager' window.

Send & Continue: You have finished this letter and DO want to write another.

Sending: Once you hit either of the 'Send' buttons your text disappears. If there is something in the letter you wish to use elsewhere or you just want to keep a record of what you sent then highlight and copy the text (ctrl+A then ctrl+C). Open 'Manager' in a new window. Open or create a new file and paste (ctrl+V) in the text.
Work Space: You can have the Manager, Upload, Mail and Admin windows all open if you want (using right click). You just have to remember to refresh the page to see changes. Eg. when uploading is finished the results are shown in the Upload window but not in the Manager window - you will need to refresh it.
Refreshing: F5 in MSWindows, or click the reload/refresh button. Sometimes the changes don't appear (due to caching) so hold the 'shift' key and then refresh.